Our purpose

Helping churches develop and implement a personalized involvement in world missions through evangelization and discipleship

Our Ministry

Equip the local church with practical tools to be actively involved in praying, giving, going and sending.

Making World Missions a Priority in the Local Church

Today, in the midst of these exciting times, the Church faces a great challenge. Who will send the missionary candidates? Who will be willing to train and support these new missionaries?

In the midst of these exciting times, the Church is faced with a great challenge. Who will SEND these new recruits? Who will be willing to train and to support these new missionaries? Globally, most local churches lack the knowledge, training and resources to become strategically involved in the sending out of these new missionaries. Learn more about how we help equip pastors and church leadership for world missions through our World Impact Seminar.

Church Members

The World Impact Seminar is an opportunity for local church members to learn how to participate in their church’s ministries through prayer, finances, and going out on short term mission trips. Participate in the Seminar and learn how to get started in missions.

Church Leader

As a leader, you have a unique opportunity to influence your church’s involvement in world missions. Hosting a World Impact Seminar can help your church develop a passion for God and His mission.

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World Impact Seminar

The World Impact Seminar is designed to help pastors and church leaders lead their church in an effective and personalized world missions ministry. The ten instructional sessions provide the Biblical foundation and motivation for a church to establish an effective world missions ministry.

Our History

Over 35 years ago, ENVOY founder and church planter David Andersen had a desire to see local churches develop and implement a personal and strategic involvement in world missions. As a result, he created the Envoy International and the World Impact Seminar.

The Seminar contains ten sessions.  It also offers practical tools to equip local churches to develop an effective world missions ministry.

Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee Psalms 67:3


When God called me to be a missionary, I didn't get much support from my family or my church because they didn't know much about missions. In my early years as a missionary in Bolivia, God showed me that he is calling Bolivians to serve him in missions and put in me a passion to support those whom he was calling to go to the nations. I saw that they did not receive much support from their churches either, just like me. I wanted to help churches understand God's global purpose and support them to get involved, but I didn't know how to do it. I received an invitation to train as an instructor and attend a World Impact Seminar. It was the answer to my prayers. I gave the workshop at the church where I attended and we began to apply the principles. It took time for the church to move forward, but we did, to the point of having two missionaries sent to the Middle East. To God be the glory!
Dana Wilson
Director of South American Mission  - ENVOY
In 2018, I had the opportunity to take the ENVOY Seminar where I learned to take on the missionary work personally.  Likewise, I have had the opportunity to train as an instructor and to give the ENVOY Seminar in Tarija in 2019. In 2021 and 2022 I also was able to give workshops and conferences specifically on world missions to Mission Committees in different churches.
Iván Subia
Pastor  - ENVOY
ENVOY is a very effective ministry to awaken missionary awareness and guide the Church with useful tools. Likewise, it has a highly trained team with field experience.  The World Impact Seminar is complete and profound, and leads the Church towards an immediate commitment to organize itself under God's purposes.
Luis Romay
Director of ECAMM  - ENVOY
In 1998, I heard about the ENVOY Seminar in Bolivia for the first time.   After a commitment to the Lord, I took this training as a basis to put it into practice in the country of India. Since then I have not stopped seeing churches mobilized, ready to send their workers to the mission field. ENVOY is a tool that the Lord is using in a precise and initial way in the preparation of workers with a missionary vision, so that the Lord may be glorified.
José Luis Taquila
Director of the Bethel Bible Seminary  - ENVOY
I participated in the ENVOY Seminar 20 years ago and it has been a great blessing to my life.  It helped me to have a clear understanding of God's Mission. I know that God's timing is perfect, and this Seminar came just a few years after I had known the Lord in a personal way. Over time I was implementing all the tools that I had learned in the Seminar, which helped me a lot to serve the Lord in different ministries and missionary entities, beginning in the local church. The Biblical foundation of the Mission of God, plus the practical tools to carry out the missionary work, make this seminar a complete course.
Martha Claros S.
Envoy International Communication Coordinator  - ENVOY

Missionary Resources